What is Landscape Architecture?
Landscape Architecture is an interdisciplinary profession that deals with the conscious and systematic shaping of the physical environment by people. This profession covers the planning, design and area management processes for the protection, development and reorganization of landscapes in line with the principles of aesthetics, functionality and sustainability, considering human and ecological needs.
Fields of Activity
The main fields of activity within the scope of the Landscape Architecture profession are as follows:
1. Natural and Cultural Landscape Planning: Evaluation and planning studies of the natural and cultural characteristics of landscapes.
2. Protection of Natural and Cultural Heritage Values: Projects for the protection of areas of ecological and cultural importance and the sustainable use of these values.
3. Urban Landscape Planning and Design: Aesthetic and functional arrangements of urban areas, planning of open and green areas.
4. Thematic Landscape Planning and Design: Design of special landscape areas within the framework of a specific theme.
5. Rural Landscape Planning and Design: Functional and sustainable planning studies without disrupting the natural structure of rural areas.
6. Landscape Design of Official Institutions and Public Facilities: Design of public open spaces, official institution gardens and settlements.
7. Special Area Designs: Development of original landscape projects for single residences, sites and other special areas.
8. Repair, Improvement and Development of Landscapes: Rehabilitation and development of landscapes in order to adapt to changing environmental conditions.
9. Landscape Planning of Tourism Areas: Environmentally sensitive, aesthetic and functional landscape arrangements in touristic areas.
10. Landscape Planning of Transportation Routes: Arrangement of highways, railways and other transportation lines in harmony with the environment.
These fields of activity serve the goals of the Landscape Architecture discipline of protecting the environment, sustainable development and increasing aesthetic values.